
Thursday, April 4, 2013 by Diane Cole | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
One of the tragedies of the American Civil War was that it pitted friends and family members against one another. American Jews were not immune from the internecine bitterness. A new exhibition tells their story.

Friday, February 15, 2013 by David Hartman | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
David Hartman, who passed away on Sunday, was among the foremost Jewish theologians of his generation. Here, we reprint some of his thoughts on God and the Jewish people.

Friday, October 19, 2012 by Shlomo M. Brody | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
When Mitt Romney became the Republican Presidential candidate, some of the media attention focused on his experience as a Mormon missionary in France and asked, subtly or not so subtly, whether a member of a proselytizing religion could properly lead a pluralistic society.
Editors' Picks
Were the Israelites Enslaved in Egypt? Michael Carasik, Jewish Ideas Daily. The Bible gives no fewer than four different reasons for the Israelites' enslavement in Egypt. But if there really was slavery, why does the Bible have so much trouble explaining it?
We Shall Overcome: the Prequel Menachem Wecker, Forward. A rare 16th-century painting of everyday life in Lisbon hints at ties between Jews and blacks—freemen as well as slaves—in pre-Inquisition Portugal.
The Road to Serfdom Daniel Kaganovich, Jeremy England, Times of Israel. Did Joseph rescue Egypt from disaster through government intervention, like a good Keynesian—or enslave an entire population to the State, like a good Keynesian?
Rabbis for Slavery Howard B. Rock, Tablet. Today, New York’s Bnai Jeshurun Synagogue is a bastion of progressive politics. But on the eve of the Civil War, its rabbi was a champion of slavery. A cautionary tale.