Leonard Cohen

Friday, March 9, 2012 by Peodair Leihy | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
After 60 years of publishing and recording, seventysomething Leonard Cohen has something else to say; and, lo and behold, the "Camp"—the Bergen-Belsen of the remembered newsreels of his childhood—comes up. He also gets the "Eye"—Jerusalem's Eye of the Needle—in there, a Jewish metaphor from the Talmud and the New Testament.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010 by Allan Nadler | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
What qualifies a literary work as "Jewish"? Debates on this subject, once conducted with rigor, have become sillier over the years, descending to the recent call for inducting the African American writer Walter Mosley—whose mother was Jewish, and in whose detective novels the heroes are all black men—into the Jewish literary pantheon.
Editors' Picks
Jew? Or Not A Jew? Robert Low, Standpoint. For all the Christian echoes in Leonard Cohen's music, and his personal commitment to Roshi, his Buddhist Master, "one feels that deep down he is just as influenced by Rashi as by Roshi."