Yom Kippur

Friday, October 26, 2012 by Moshe Sokolow | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Today, October 26, 2012, the world’s Muslims will celebrate `Id al-Adha, commemorating Abraham’s willingness to demonstrate his love of God by sacrificing his son. While most Muslims assume that the son Abraham intended to sacrifice was Ishmael, this was not the unanimous opinion of early Muslims and Qur’anic scholars.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012 by Shlomo M. Brody | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
"Happy" is certainly not the first word that comes to mind for most of us when we describe our Yom Kippur experience. After all, the Torah commands us to afflict ourselves on this day (Leviticus 23:26-31).

Tuesday, August 14, 2012 by Tevi Troy and Yehudah Mirsky | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
The Jewish month of Av will soon become Ellul, and mourning for the destruction of the Temples will give way to repentance for our sins. It is time for introspection; and, as we contemplate our relationships with others and with the Divine, questions about penitence, forgiveness, change, and mortality itself inevitably arise.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011 by Tevi Troy | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
The High Holy Days are traditionally a time for introspection. Even the sturdiest soul must pause with trepidation over the more harrowing passages in the somber liturgy of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Who shall live, and who shall die?

Thursday, September 2, 2010 by Yehudah Mirsky | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
In the thick of the month of Ellul, nearing Rosh Hashanah, penitence is or should be in the air. Also recently marked was the 75th yahrzeit of the great mystic, jurist, and theologian Abraham Isaac Kook (1865-1935). As it turns out, Kook's teachings on the meaning of repentance are among his most striking, stamped with his distinctive mix of piety and audacity. In his eyes, teshuvah, generally translated as "repentance" but literally and more powerfully "return," signifies not only a deepened and renewed commitment to religion and commandments but, paradoxically, nothing less than a new birth of freedom.
Editors' Picks
A Meaningful Fast Avi S. Olitzky, TC Jewfolk. Our Yom Kippur fast is nothing compared to what some of our ancestors, ancient and modern, devised for themselves.
Listening to Jonah Devora Steinmetz, Sh'ma. “Jonah’s words give voice to our doubts about our own capacity to deserve forgiveness.”
Yom Kippur in Pictures , Israel Daily Picture. Thanks to the Library of Congress, we know what Yom Kippur looked like at the Kotel in 1904—and what it didn’t look like on a battlefield outside Metz during the Franco-Prussian War.
Israel: The Home Video Michal Shmulovich, Times of Israel. A new film brings together amateur footage spanning 60 years—from Jews sailing to pre-state Palestine to an eight-couple wedding to Menachem Begin making peace with Anwar Sadat.