United Kingdom

Thursday, November 3, 2011 by Alex Joffe | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Anyone who has even a passing familiarity with public discourse about Jews in today's United Kingdom can be forgiven for viewing the term "British philo-Semitism" as an oxymoron.
Editors' Picks
Should Jews Leave Britain? Douglas Murray, Spectator. As British society becomes increasingly anti-Zionist, Anglo-Jewry will have to dissociate from Israel to remain welcome in Britain. The process has already begun.
A Tale of Two Pamphlets Fred MacDowell, On the Main Line. As England debated readmitting Jews, an anonymous pamphlet blamed Jews for the deaths of Christian children. An answering pamphlet absolved the Jews—but blamed Catholic priests.
Limmud Turns 33 Clive Lawton, eJewish Philanthropy. "As far as I remember, this was the first time in the Jewish world that Orthodox Jews could hear what Reform Jews really thought and vice versa."
The Merchants of Manchester Derek Taylor, Jewish Chronicle. Barred from the guilds, Jews in Victorian Britain entered new industries, looked for gaps in the market—and built some of the country's most recognizable brands.
The Jews of Middle Earth Jeffrey Saks, Torah Musings. "I do think of the 'Dwarves' like Jews," wrote Tolkien, "at once native and alien in their habitations, speaking the languages of the country, but with an accent due to their own private tongue."
The Children Britain Didn't Save Fred Barschak, Jewish Chronicle. The Kindertransport saved 10,000 from Nazi territory in the late 1930s. But when it came to rescuing 1,800 Jewish children from Vichy France in 1942, Britain turned its back.
Wingate of Zion Max Boot, Weekly Standard. Israel remembers Orde Wingate for turning Jews in Mandate Palestine into a fighting force—as T. E. Lawrence had done for the Arabs. But Wingate's legacy stretches further still.
Lost in Translation Zev Eleff, Tradition. Samson Raphael Hirsch has been described as “the intellectual godfather of modern Orthodoxy.” But his influence on American Orthodoxy had to wait until long after his death.
A Safe Pair of Hands Jeremy Rosen, Algemeiner. Ephraim Mirvis is a good pastoral leader. But his appointment as Chief Rabbi in the U.K. testifies to the unwillingness of Britain's centrist Orthodoxy to challenge Haredi authority.
Out of the Closet Josh Glancy, Jewish Chronicle. “Some Jews are beginning to grasp a fact that Britain's Asian and black communities have known for years: we're a minority, maybe that can actually be quite cool.”