Tazria-M’tzora: Sin and Skin
Wednesday, April 10, 2013 by Torah Talk with Michael Carasik | Jewish Ideas Daily » Weekly Portions
Leprosy! (Not.) Is it caused by sin? (Click here for source sheet.) Download

Monday, January 7, 2013 by D. G. Myers | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Howard Jacobson's latest novel, Zoo Time, is not immediately recognizable as Jewish fiction; but Jacobson again portrays the fear, uncertainty, and ambivalence that characterize the modern Jew.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012 by Shlomo M. Brody | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
"Happy" is certainly not the first word that comes to mind for most of us when we describe our Yom Kippur experience. After all, the Torah commands us to afflict ourselves on this day (Leviticus 23:26-31).

Monday, September 24, 2012 by Jonathan Ziring | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
While in theory the blowing of the High Holiday shofar should be enough to “awaken us from our slumber” and move us to repentance, in practice most people need to look to other sources to enable them to rethink the way they live or their understanding of repentance itself.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012 by Torah Talk with Michael Carasik | Jewish Ideas Daily » Weekly Portions
Everyone knows about Sodom and Gomorrah—but what were Admah and Zeboiim? (Click here for source sheet.) Download | Duration: 00:11:44

Wednesday, August 29, 2012 by Lawrence Grossman | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
In the current Hebrew month of repentance, it’s hard not to notice that we live in a culture that takes sin far less seriously than it used to. The formula “mistakes were made” has largely replaced the admission of personal responsibility.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012 by Yehudah Mirsky | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
The Ten Commandments lay out a blueprint for relations, first, between God and Israel and then, between God and humanity; the Shabbat serves as the hinge between the two.

Monday, May 23, 2011 by Allan Nadler | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Occupying a place of particular infamy in Jewish collective memory is an 18th-century serial apostate, sexual deviant, messianic pretender, and chameleonic charlatan. His name was Jacob Frank.
Editors' Picks
The Six Commandments Ari Enkin, Torah Musings. If all of the Torah’s 613 commandments seem too much, relax: there are only six that a person must fulfill constantly to keep the evil inclination at bay.