
Monday, October 17, 2011 by Michael Carasik | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
The Torah begins with a bang—the Big Bang, the creation of the universe. But it ends with a whimper, albeit a whimper concealed by a very loud noise of another kind. Let me explain.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011 by Tevi Troy | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
The High Holy Days are traditionally a time for introspection. Even the sturdiest soul must pause with trepidation over the more harrowing passages in the somber liturgy of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Who shall live, and who shall die?

Friday, July 8, 2011 by Elliot Jager | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
With July 4th behind them, Americans can look forward to closing out the summer season with Labor Day on September 5th. All told, they will enjoy ten national holidays. And, of course, they have the leisure of weekends.
Editors' Picks
The Gift of Rest Michael Medved, Washington Times. In an enchanting new book, Senator Joseph Lieberman argues that the purpose of the Sabbath is not "to recharge our batteries so we can work harder but to recharge our souls so we can live better."
Bound by Basketball Michael Vitez, Philadelphia Inquirer. On the close relationship between an aspiring Modern Orthodox rabbi and an NBA rookie.
The Self-Centered Life Gil Student, Torah Musings. Why observe the Torah's commandments? Because, says an Orthodox rabbi channeling Oprah, they make you feel good about yourself.
“Friendship Jew” Jenna Weissman Joselit, New Republic. On the perils of cross-cultural exchange as experienced by a Jewish Peace Corps volunteer in Guiyang, China.
The Poet's Poet's Poet Jake Marmer, Forward. For Louis Zukofsky, a leading force behind the Objectivist movement, Judaism was a compass to navigate worlds old and new.
Sabbath Rock BibleWalks. Newly discovered: carved into a rock in Lower Galilee is the word shabbat, likely a Roman-era marking of the furthest point to which local Jews could travel on the day of rest.
Whose Woods These Are Ralph Gardner, Jr., Wall Street Journal. On the trail with the "adventure rabbi," seeking the divine in the great outdoors.
For Israelis, a Two-Day Weekend? William Kolbrener, Washington Post. In addition to synchronizing Israeli businesses with the world's markets, an American-style Sunday might allow for a welcome catching of the collective breath.
Digging the First Shuls Eric M. Meyers, Jewish Week. Excavations in Israel over the past decades suggest that the synagogue may be a considerably older institution than once thought.
There's a Key in My Challah Jeffrey Saks, Torah Musings. On the origin of the post-Passover tradition known as "shliss challah."