
Thursday, October 27, 2011 by Nahma Sandrow | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Nobody is sure exactly how many movies were ever made in Yiddish. James Hoberman's exhaustive study Bridge of Light (2010) lists some hundred such films, made in the 20th century primarily in America, Germany, Austria, Romania, Poland, and Russia.
Editors' Picks
Lone Survivor Marc Pitzke, Spiegel. Refused entry into Palestine in 1942, set adrift by Turkey in the Black Sea, the Struma was torpedoed by a Soviet submarine, killing all 800 of its Jewish passengers—except one.
The Outsider Joseph Epstein, Weekly Standard. A Jew who dismissed his native Romania as "a sewer," Saul Steinberg became "the only major artist in the United States who is not associated with any art movement or style, past or present."
The View from the Hudson Dan Wasserman, Boston Globe. Cartoonist Saul Steinberg was a Romanian Jew, an escapee from Fascist Italy, and a man whose wry art helped define modern America.
Romania’s Forgotten Holocaust Keno Verseck, Spiegel. Florin Iepan’s new documentary on the 1941 massacre of Odessa’s Jews by the Romanian army is a unique attempt to confront Romania’s role in the Holocaust. But 70 years on, the country is still not interested.
Romania’s Final Solution Michael Gesin, H-Net. Romania’s wartime leaders were so enamored of Nazi Germany that they developed their own Final Solution. So, why did half of Romania’s Jews manage to survive?