Righteous Among the Nations

Thursday, May 2, 2013 by Lance J. Sussman | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus personally rescued 50 Jewish children from Nazi-era Vienna and brought them home to Philadelphia. A new documentary tells their story—and contrasts it with the apathy shown by their community.
Editors' Picks
Buried in Good Company Rafael Medoff, JNS. Jerusalem's Mount of Olives cemetery is the final resting place of 150,000 people, from biblical prophets to Zionist leaders—including some lesser-known heroes.
Warsaw: 70 Years On David Samuels, Tablet. "I was never so afraid as when I helped Jews," recalls Polish rescuer and statesman Władysław Bartoszewski. "Despite the fear, one has to do what has to be done. The right thing."
Schindler's List Turns 20 Tom Carson, American Prospect. The reverence for Schindler's List as "the" Holocaust story "amounts to a posthumous marginalization of every innocent Hitler succeeded in killing."
The Brothers Göring Gerhard Spörl, Spiegel. While Hermann Göring was Hitler's right-hand man, Albert Göring took advantage of his older brother’s protection to rescue Jews. But Albert Göring remains unrecognized at Yad Vashem.
Survival in Buchenwald Brad Rothschild, Times of Israel. When the SS came looking for Jews on Kinderblock 66, Antonin Kalina told them there were no more. (He had listed them as Christians . . .)