Richard Dawkins

Monday, December 12, 2011 by Armin Rosen | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
According to Jewish tradition, the Torah was delivered to Moses by God on Mount Sinai thousands of years ago. A.C. Grayling's The Good Book claims humbler origins. That text was given to us by an English philosophy professor this past summer.
Editors' Picks
What the New Atheists Ignore Christopher Orlet, American Spectator. "I am still waiting for a single atheist group to open a hospital or school, offer free health clinics, beds for the homeless, food for the hungry, or transportation for the elderly."
Religion without God Ronald Dworkin, New York Review of Books. In acknowledging a sense of value, mystery, and purpose in life, many non-believers live by a form of faith—and reject the naturalism of the New Atheists.
The Atheist Inquisition Leon Wieseltier, New Republic. "For the bargain-basement atheism of our day, it is not enough that there be no God: there must be only matter."
Defending the Faith Allan Nadler, Forward. The Great Partnership, Jonathan Sacks' new book on the relationship between science and religion, is a moving expression of his own faith. But does it lack intellectual honesty?
Proving Religious People Aren’t Crazy Steve Fuller, Times Higher Education. In The God Problem, sociologist Robert Wuthnow defends believers against charges of irrationality. The fact that he needs to do so is a sign of the times.
Why Darwinist Materialism is Wrong Alvin Plantinga, New Republic. Philosopher Thomas Nagel rejects the naturalistic conception of the world as "a heroic triumph of ideological theory over common sense." But he still stops short of believing in God.
The Real Conflict: Science vs. Atheism Thomas Nagel, New York Review of Books. Contrary to the claims of atheism, says analytic philosopher Alvin Plantinga, science conflicts not with religion but with a naturalist worldview that denies God.
Cast a Cold Eye Akin Ajayi, Jerusalem Post. Breaking ranks with his Egyptian-Jewish father, popular philosopher Alain de Botton admits that religion might have something to teach atheists: pessimism.