
Wednesday, September 8, 2010 by Ruth R. Wisse | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
The problem of the Arab-Israel conflict begins with the term itself, which misrepresents the unilateral Arab war against Israel as a bilateral dispute. Unilateral aggression is not unheard of—when did Poland ever aggress against Germany or Russia?—but nothing in United Nations history compares in intensity or fixity with Arab belligerence toward Israel, a UN member state.
Editors' Picks
Is Israel the New Saudi Arabia? Karl Vick, Time. High-quality oil shale under exploration south of Jerusalem, coupled with offshore gas reserves already under development, could turn Israel into an energy giant.
License to Drill Frank Jacobs, Foreign Policy. This is one Hanukkah when Israel doesn't have to worry about running out of oil. But there are diplomatic minefields to cross before it can exploit its offshore reserves.