Lower East Side

Thursday, October 25, 2012 by Lawrence Grossman | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
City of Promises, a new three-volume history of Jewish New York, is remarkable for the complex metamorphoses it explains—and for the 21st century transformation it doesn't mention.
Editors' Picks
Israel on the Hudson Jenna Weissman Joselit, Jewish Review of Books. Spanning three volumes, City of Promises offers a thorough history of Jewish New York. But “where, oh where, is the expansiveness and, yes, the sheer incommensurability of it all?”
Mornings at the Stanton Street Shul Emily Katz, H-Net. Jonathan Boyarin’s book on a summer spent as part of the minyan at the historic synagogue is about Judaism, Jewishness, the changing Lower East Side—and Boyarin himself.
Spinning Spinoza Allan Nadler, Forward. From David Ben-Gurion to Jonathan Sacks, Jews are determined to see the traditionally Jewish elements of Spinoza’s thought—by misreading his genuine heresy.