
Tuesday, March 5, 2013 by Judah Bellin | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
It is hard to imagine a liberal Christian theologian passionately defending Zionism today. But Reinhold Niebuhr praised Zionism as a means to the establishment of "highest civilization."

Thursday, February 21, 2013 by Ari Ackerman | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
By treating the covenant between God and the Jewish people as a partnership, David Hartman found room for autonomy alongside halakhic observance.

Thursday, January 24, 2013 by Alex Joffe | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Robert Wistrich’s new book, From Ambivalence to Betrayal:The Left, the Jews, and Israel, does much to demonstrate that anti-Semitism was and is a fixture of the Left—but stops short of that conclusion.

Monday, November 19, 2012 by Jonathan Neumann | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Since the rise of the Religious Right, many people have associated American religion with political and cultural conservatism. Historically, however, American religion has been at least as liberal as conservative.

Friday, November 16, 2012 by Alex Joffe | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
A new series of high resolution maps, produced by geographer Joshua Comenetz, provide a view of American Jewish life that is seemingly familiar—but, beneath the surface, spread unevenly across the 50 states.
Editors' Picks
Excuses, Excuses Norman Geras, Fathom. Critics of Israel often distinguish between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. But Israel is increasingly being used as an alibi for anti-Semitism, in four specific ways.
America's New Religious Divide Walter Russell Mead, Via Meadia. The religious dividing line in today’s America no longer pits Protestants against Catholics or even Christians against Jews, but separates religious liberals from religious conservatives.
Exit, Voice, and Loyalty Robert Kuttner, American Prospect. Refugee scholar and political economist Albert Hirschman, who died this week, taught that consumers must do more than vote with their feet if they want a civil society.
Norway’s Jewish Problem Julie Bindel, Standpoint. The far-right Anders Breivik made news with his murderous assault on multiculturalism in 2011. But Jews are leaving Norway because of pressure from the country’s liberal anti-Zionist elite.
No Child Left Behind Avital Chizhik, Forward. While many Russian Jewish immigrants to America are staunch conservatives, their children’s route to Americanization is through liberal Jewish politics.