
Friday, February 15, 2013 by David Hartman | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
David Hartman, who passed away on Sunday, was among the foremost Jewish theologians of his generation. Here, we reprint some of his thoughts on God and the Jewish people.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013 by Shlomo M. Brody | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Rabbinic disputes on the proper regulation of dangerous dogs illustrate that reasonable people, who share Jewish values regarding violence and self-defense, can disagree about gun control.

Monday, December 31, 2012 by Robert Nicholson | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
The Law In These Parts, a new documentary that places the blame for Palestinian woes on Israel's military lawyers, exhibits scant awareness of history—and limited knowledge of law.
Editors' Picks
Should Religion Be Commercialized? Michael A. Helfand, First Things. Recent conflicts between law and religion in America have centered on the intersection of commerce and religion. But commercialization of religion is not the problem—it's the solution.
Learning Law Young Michael Broyde, ELI Talks. Jewish day schools provide students with the functional equivalent of a first-year law school curriculum. (Video)