
Thursday, April 18, 2013 by Andrew Apostolou | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
When the Germans entered Salonika on April 6, 1941, they found a willing cadre of collaborators and a broad section of Greek Christian opinion hostile to the Jews.
Editors' Picks
A Voice from Salonika Nina Caputo, Marginalia. A 19th-century Ladino memoir, published last year, depicts Salonikan Jews tyrannized by a despotic rabbinic ruling class that benefited from exorbitant taxes and fees.
Learning Ladino Elizabeth Bloom, Times of Israel. Ladino, the language of Sephardic Jews, is undergoing something of a revival. But there is only one current example of Ladino journalism—in, of all places, Istanbul, Turkey.
The Myth of Sepharad Teresa Calders, Esperança Valls, Catalan International View. Although Jews of Iberian origin are now referred to as Sephardi, the Jews of the Kingdom of Aragon shared neither language nor liturgy with their brethren in Castile and Andalusia.