
Thursday, April 21, 2011 by Aryeh Tepper | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
In the annals of modernist art, three European Jewish names stand out: Marc Chagall, Chaim Soutine, and Amedeo Modigliani. A fourth should be added. This is Emmanuel Mané Katz. Born in 1894 to a traditional Jewish family in the Ukraine, he moved to Paris at the age of nineteen to pursue a career as a painter, and there joined the three more fabled artists named above. Together, they have been loosely called "the School of Paris."

Thursday, April 14, 2011 by Elliot Jager | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
At a joint press conference in Berlin on April 7, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked German Chancellor Angela Merkel for the atmosphere of mutual trust and friendship in which their just-concluded talks had taken place. Germany, he averred, was "a great friend" of Israel. Yet any sober assessment of the Germany-Israel relationship would have to come to a different conclusion.

Thursday, April 7, 2011 by Yehudah Mirsky | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
The downfall of Moshe Katsav, the former president of Israel recently convicted and sentenced on a rape charge, is a many-sided episode—involving his crimes, the media circus around the judicial proceedings against him, and the private and public meanings of his disgrace.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 by Aryeh Tepper | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
In 2007, two years before he killed thirteen people and wounded twenty-nine at Fort Hood, Texas, Nidal Malik Hasan prepared a slide show for his fellow Army doctors on the subject of Islam. One of his last points read: "We love death more than you love life!"

Thursday, March 31, 2011 by Alex Joffe | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
The Islamic Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) was founded in 1979 by the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). It has three basic goals. The first is to spread a Saudi version of Koranic education throughout the Islamic world. The second is to publicize Islam to the non-Islamic world. The third goal is to oppose the "Judaization of Al-Quds"—i.e., Jerusalem.

Monday, March 28, 2011 by Alex Joffe | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Reports prepared recently for Israel's Council of Higher Education have brought despairing news about the condition of the humanities in the country's universities. Especially dispiriting is the report on Jewish studies, once the crowning glory of Israel's flagship Hebrew University—and, in the report's inadvertently nostalgic words, "an investment in the nurturing of the deep spiritual and cultural structures of Israeli public and private life." That investment has been producing ever smaller returns.

Monday, March 21, 2011 by Elliot Jager | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
The recent uprisings in the Middle East seemed, at least at first, to send a reassuring signal to Western observers: not only did genuinely moderate Muslims exist, and not only were they capable of finding a political voice, but there was reason to hope that, given time to organize and grow in strength, they might succeed in winning out against the voices of repression and Islamist extremism.

Thursday, March 17, 2011 by Aryeh Tepper | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
As the Middle East lurches through the present confusion of civil war, revolution, and mass protest, decent people everywhere wonder about the chances of a more pluralistic and democratic order emerging. One way of measuring progress in that direction will be to track the treatment of minorities like the Berbers and the Jews.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 by Elliot Jager | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Israel's wobbly friends in Europe and the U.S. are renewing their pressure on Jerusalem to "do something" about the "unsustainable" stalemate in the "peace process." As German Chancellor Angela Merkel scolded Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: "You haven't made a single step to advance peace."

Monday, March 14, 2011 by Alex Joffe | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Israel in the past has fought large-scale conventional wars in which infantry and tanks have squared off. It has also faced down terrorists who cross borders to blow up buses or hide themselves among civilians. The next wave is called hybrid warfare, blending (in the words of the military theorist Frank Hoffman) "the lethality of state conflict with the fanatical and protracted fervor of irregular warfare."
Editors' Picks
Obama's Foreign Policy Cliff Mark Landler, New York Times. With crises in Syria, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, Obama faces national security threats across the Middle East; but his top priority will be Iran's nuclear program.
Breaking the Kashrut Cartel , Jerusalem Post. Israeli law gives the Chief Rabbinate a monopoly on kosher certification. The predictable results are complacency and corruption. But now a group of restaurateurs is fighting back.
Looking for Apartheid in All the Wrong Places Benjamin Pogrund, Guardian. Israel’s move to the right leads some people to charge that it is nearing South African-style apartheid. These people have no idea of what real apartheid was like.
Satisfaction? Shimon Peres, eJewish Philanthropy. Jews feel “at home in the 21st century,” a time of constant change, says Israel’s President—because “what characterizes Jews above all is dissatisfaction."
America’s Israeli Electorate Eetta Prince-Gibson, Tablet. A poll shows that 85 percent of American-Israelis went for Romney. But some—including Elliot Jager—ask whether they should vote at all.
Herzl House Aviva Bar-Am, Shmuel Bar-Am, Times of Israel. Situated in the JNF’s first forest, Herzl House was built as a memorial to the Zionist founder; but when Arab rioters murdered Jews in 1929, it served as a sanctuary for the next generation’s pioneers.
Earthquake Exercises Meir Elran, Alex Altshuler, Institute for National Security Studies. Israel just held its sixth annual “home front” exercises. Past exercises have prepared for terrorist attacks and war. This one was the first to contemplate a natural disaster.
Hope and Change—for Israeli Arabs Philippe Assouline, Times of Israel. Aatef Karinaoui is running for the Knesset—as a pro-Israel Arab. “Our leaders have defrauded us,” he says. “We will do more for the people in five years than they have done in 60.”
Why Strike Sudan? Max Fisher, Washington Post. Although Israel’s supposed attack on a munitions depot in Sudan could have been a straightforward strike on a potential threat, media observers are determined to believe that it meant something deeper.
Betraying Jabotinsky Jeff Barak, Jerusalem Post. By forming an electoral pact with Yisrael Beiteinu, Likud may guarantee victory in the upcoming election; but will that come at the expense of the values on which the party was founded?