
Friday, March 29, 2013 by Allan Arkush | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Bukharan Jews are often viewed as a group of isolated exotics. In fact, they are not so different that there has ever been much question about their belonging to the Jewish people.

Thursday, March 14, 2013 by Rochelle Furstenberg | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
I counted on the National Library at the Hebrew University as my senior citizen’s refuge, my succor in my declining years, a protective womb that leads to a new learning. But all this will soon change.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013 by Alex Joffe | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
No cause, force or organization, brings Americans, primarily Jews but also Christians, together like the cause of Israel as managed by AIPAC.

Thursday, March 7, 2013 by Ella Taylor | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
I’ve visited and lived in Israel since then, but mostly I’ve been in London and the United States. By most measures, every city in which I’ve put down roots in is an easier place to live than just about anywhere in Israel.

Monday, March 4, 2013 by David B. Starr | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
American Jewry is becoming less and less well informed about Zionism and Israel. Can anything be done to reverse this decline?

Tuesday, February 19, 2013 by Elli Fischer | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
In a speech to haredi students last year, Yair Lapid advocated a shared public sphere in Israel that is neutral on questions of religion. Does he now have the chance to implement his vision?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013 by Jonathan Marks | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Brooklyn College's BDS panel was no "open forum to discuss important topics," but anti-Zionist evangelism—which no academic department could support in good faith.

Thursday, February 7, 2013 by Alex Joffe | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
A new report by the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America is the latest in a long line to allege anti-Israel bias at the New York Times. But the newspaper isn't about to change.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013 by Shlomo M. Brody | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Jewish law prohibits individuals from selling weapons to irresponsible or violent customers. But how does this apply to Israel's arms sales to foreign governments?

Thursday, January 31, 2013 by Yiftach Ofek | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
“It takes two to tango,” goes the oft-quoted idiom. Without a reliable Palestinian partner, the Israeli public seems to have chosen to dance with itself.
Editors' Picks
Boycotting the Boycott Charlie Laderman, Standpoint. Instead of "respecting” the boycott, Spanish novelist Antonio Munoz Molina accepted the Jerusalem prize saying, "there is in Israel a society that is alive, democratic, pluralistic and open, in which I can recognize myself as a citizen."
Israel's Strongest Union Yoav Limor, Israel Hayom. "Simple arithmetic teaches us that contrary to the official announcement on Monday, the defense budget wasn't actually cut by 3 billion shekels. In fact, it was actually increased by 2.5 billion shekels."
Friends Again? Shashank Joshi, Fathom. The recent rapprochement between Israel and Turkey has repaired diplomatic ties, but the relationship is not about to be restored to what it once was.
Interfaith Monologue Patrick Morrow, Jewish Chronicle. The Church of Scotland's report questioning Israel's right to exist read "as if there had been no Jewish-Christian dialogue since the Second World War."
Hawking of Arabia Giulio Meotti, Arutz Sheva. "Would Professor Hawking ever survive in any Arab country or under the Palestinian autocracy he shamefully defends?"
The Pleasures of Anti-Semitism Eve Garrard, Fathom. "You can’t miss the relish with which some people compare Jews to the Nazis, or the fake sorrow with which they bemoan the supposed fact that Jews have brought hatred on themselves."
Jerusalem Unified , Jewish Ideas Daily. Today, on Yom Yerushalayim, Israel commemorates the unification of Jerusalem, when the IDF wrested East Jerusalem and the Old City from Jordanian control. Here's how it happened.
Jerusalem Today Danny Adeno Abebe, Ynet. Jerusalem's economy and religious population are growing, but the exodus of young professionals from the capital continues, according to a new report.
Buried in Good Company Rafael Medoff, JNS. Jerusalem's Mount of Olives cemetery is the final resting place of 150,000 people, from biblical prophets to Zionist leaders—including some lesser-known heroes.
Divorcing the Rabbinate from Marriage Israel Drazin, Jewish Ideas and Ideals. Israel's "state-backed Orthodox rabbinic court monopoly must be disbanded and replaced by a rich and vibrant mosaic of voluntary rabbinic courts," argues a new book.