
Wednesday, July 25, 2012 by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Mohamed Morsi’s recent election as president of Egypt has proved a matter of concern. A candidate from the radical Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, many fear that Morsi’s victory will threaten Egyptian-Israeli peace.

Friday, January 13, 2012 by Jonathan Neumann | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Although the discourse on human rights has a long pedigree, traceable at least to early modern natural rights theory and politics, the philosophical case for human rights against one alternative, religion, has yet to be made.

Monday, October 10, 2011 by Aryeh Tepper | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Consider these two questions: During the past ten years, approximately 170 American Muslims have been arrested for plotting terror attacks against Jews or materially aiding other terrorists.
Editors' Picks
One Abraham, or Three? Jon D. Levenson, Wall Street Journal. A shared, "Abrahamic" heritage is supposed to foster reconciliation between Jews, Christians, and Muslims—but bears little relation to the figure of Abraham in any of the three traditions.
Whose Paradise? Oded Zinger, Geniza Blues. Among medieval Muslims, Damascus was famed for its fountains, fruits, and gardens. But among medieval Jews, it was famed for the Jewish community’s piety.
Never Mind Jerusalem; What About Mecca? Damian Thompson, Telegraph. The Muslim world is apoplectic about harmless Israeli excavations on the Temple Mount—but when the House of Saud bulldozes Islam’s holiest sites in its holiest city, no one says a word.
To Each His Abraham Peter Monaghan, Chronicle of Higher Education. In Inheriting Abraham, Bible scholar Jon D. Levenson shows that while Jews, Christians, and Muslims all consider themselves the patriarch's children, they aren't talking about the same Abraham.
What the Islamists Get Right Michael Moynihan, Tablet. Censoring Mein Kampf, Holocaust denial, and other neo-Nazi propaganda is not only an affront to free speech but completely ineffective; and we shouldn't need Islamists to tell us so.
The Yiddish Quran Philologos, Forward. Yiddish is so closely, so intimately, so inextricably linked to Judaism that there is something singularly odd about encountering it in the service of another, and in some ways anti-Jewish, religion.
Lebanon’s Unholy Bedfellows Hilal Khashan, Middle East Quarterly. In Lebanon the Maronites are Christian liberals, while the Shiites are Islamic theocrats. The contradiction hasn’t kept them from an alliance based on resentment of Sunni domination.
The Most Dangerous Man in the World Reuel Marc Gerecht, Weekly Standard. The West may hope that Iran would have enough acumen not to actually use a nuclear bomb, but her Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, hasn’t exhibited much sense yet.
How I Became an Islamist Maajid Nawaz, Jewish Chronicle. Now a democratic activist, at the time the author joined the pan-Islamic Hizb ut Tahrir, he was a disaffected British teenager who had never read the Koran.
The Wolf Lies Down with Islam Barry Rubin, Rubin Report. If Obama owes his critical attitude toward Israel to Rabbi Arnold Wolf, his sometime friend in Chicago, why didn’t the president pay any attention to Wolf’s reflections on the Islamic world?