
Friday, October 19, 2012 by Shlomo M. Brody | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
When Mitt Romney became the Republican Presidential candidate, some of the media attention focused on his experience as a Mormon missionary in France and asked, subtly or not so subtly, whether a member of a proselytizing religion could properly lead a pluralistic society.
Editors' Picks
What Happened on the Temple Mount? Noah Wiener, Bible History Daily. Carbon tests suggest that wooden beams removed from the al-Aqsa Mosque may have originated in the Temple built by King Herod.
Learning from Herod Shmuel Browns, Popular Archaeology. King Herod’s legacy is problematic, but his standing as a master builder is not. The current Israel Museum exhibit on his architecture and artifacts would have made Herod himself proud.
Building Herod's Temple Leen Ritmeyer, Biblical Archeology Review. At both the southwest and southeast corners of the Temple Mount, stones weighing over 80 tons are still in place 100 feet above the foundations. How did they get there?
Rehabilitating Herod Jessica Steinberg, Times of Israel. "He’s notoriously known as the bad guy," says the curator of the Israel Museum's vast new exhibit on King Herod. "But this man was a riddle."