Herman Wouk

Wednesday, May 22, 2013 by Margot Lurie | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Among the highlights from our archives is this reflection on Herman Wouk's "plucky, unlucky" heroine Marjorie Morningstar by former editor Margot Lurie, first published October 18, 2010.

Monday, October 18, 2010 by Margot Lurie | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Fifty-five years ago, a star was born: plucky, lucky Marjorie Morningstar, the "American Everygirl who happens to be Jewish." At least, that's how Time described her. Today, depending on whom you ask, Herman Wouk's 1955 novel, Marjorie Morningstar, is either the story of the romantic awakening of a blue-eyed Jewish beauty or a cautionary tale about what happens when you stray too far from your origins.
Editors' Picks
Movies and Monotheism Julian Levinson, Jewish Review of Books. For fifty years, Herman Wouk had dreamed of writing a book about Moses. Now, at the age of 97, he has finally admitted defeat—in his latest novel.