Gilad Shalit

Wednesday, October 26, 2011 by Simon Gordon | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
When Gilad Shalit was released on October 17, Israel was not the only country to welcome the liberation of one of its citizens. Although Shalit was born and raised in Israel, he also holds French citizenship, through his grandmother.
Editors' Picks
Shalit’s Return: Summing Up Up Ben Caspit, Jerusalem Post. “The bottom line is that the soldier came home and started a new life, and Israeli society held firm to the solidarity for which is it famous.”
The Rookie George Vecsey, New York Times. When Gilad Shalit became a sports columnist for Yediot Aharonot, some Israelis grumbled. But perhaps someone who spent five years in a cell has a unique perspective on the lessons of the playing field.