B’shallah: Who is Like You?
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 by Torah Talk with Michael Carasik | Jewish Ideas Daily » Weekly Portions
Why it's "mi-KHAmokha" the first time and "mi KAmokha" the second time—and why it matters. (Click here for source sheet.) Download | Duration: 00:12:02

Monday, January 21, 2013 by Jerry Friedman | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Complementing the Song of the Sea, which will be read this Shabbat in synagogue, the Rabbis suggested a home-based ritual to celebrate Shabbat Shirah: feeding the birds.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013 by Torah Talk with Michael Carasik | Jewish Ideas Daily » Weekly Portions
Why did God kill all the first-born of Egypt? (Click here for source sheet.) Download | Duration: 00:11:17Va’era: Confronting Leviathan
Wednesday, January 9, 2013 by Torah Talk with Michael Carasik | Jewish Ideas Daily » Weekly Portions
Moses, snakes, and serpents—and what all that has to do with the story of creation. (Click here for source sheet.) Download | Duration: 00:11:46Sh’mot: The Gathering
Wednesday, January 2, 2013 by Torah Talk with Michael Carasik | Jewish Ideas Daily » Weekly Portions
A mysterious connection between Moses and Elijah—coincidence? (Click here for source sheet.) Download | Duration: 00:11:47
Editors' Picks
How Democratic was the Jewish Demos? Jonathan Sacks, Jewish Chronicle. Is the Hebrew Bible an attempt on the part of humans to govern themselves? Or is it the story of a people who saw themselves under the sovereignty of God?
Satisfaction? Shimon Peres, eJewish Philanthropy. Jews feel “at home in the 21st century,” a time of constant change, says Israel’s President—because “what characterizes Jews above all is dissatisfaction."
Worlds in Collision Steven Shapin, London Review of Books. When Immanuel Velikovsky sought to explain biblical events in terms of astronomy, he ended up in a violent collision with the scientific establishment.
Punishment without Crime Gil Student, Torah Musings. If God prophesies to Abraham that his descendants would be enslaved in a foreign land, why does He ultimately punish the Egyptians?
Open Doors Nena C. Benigno, Philippine Daily Inquirer. In 1940, the last Jews to escape from Nazi Germany found no country willing to take them in until President Quezon of the Philippines invited them to live and work in Manila.