Election 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012 | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
This Election Day reminds us, yet again, of the paradox of the “Jewish vote” in American politics. Here is a series of varied snapshots of the Jewish vote as it has looked to different writers for Jewish Ideas Daily over the past two years.

Thursday, September 27, 2012 by Michael Barone | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
The Jewish vote, once pivotal in American politics, is still important, though not as much as it was seven decades ago. Back in the 1940s, Jews cast four percent of the votes in America, twice the percentage they do today. And they cast a much larger share in the state of New York.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012 by Elliot Jager | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
The religious values of presidents seldom satisfactorily explain their attitudes toward the Jews. Franklin Roosevelt's Episcopalian faith could not have foretold his hard-hearted policies during the Holocaust. Harry Truman and Jimmy Carter, both Baptists, went in opposite directions.
Editors' Picks
So Long, Lieberman Joseph Lieberman, New York Times. In his exit interview, the retiring U.S. senator says he is"taking a sabbatical from elective partisan politics"—which might "go on for the rest of my life." (Interview by Mark Leibovich)
America’s Israeli Electorate Eetta Prince-Gibson, Tablet. A poll shows that 85 percent of American-Israelis went for Romney. But some—including Elliot Jager—ask whether they should vote at all.
Florida’s Jewish Question Shmuel Rosner, New York Times. No one knows for sure if confused Jewish voters contributed significantly to the 2000 election debacle. But there are many reasons why it won’t happen again.
Romney Reaches Out to Palestinians Joshua Mitnick, Christian Science Monitor. Candidate Mitt Romney now says he will re-start talks aimed at creating a Palestinian state. Is this a flip-flop? Or a promising opportunity?
Bibi’s Losing Bet , Daniel Gordis. If Obama wins an increasingly likely second term, the Israeli prime minister will come to regret his public support of Mitt Romney—and Israel will suffer as a result.
Election Year Dos and Don’ts Susan Paykin, Religious Action Center. The Reform movement’s RAC explains what the IRS says a rabbi can and can’t do during an election campaign. Unfortunately, the lines are a little blurry.
Two Rabbis, Two Philosophies Daniel Treiman, Times of Israel. At the recent political conventions, Rabbi David Wolpe and Rabbi Meir Soloveichik each spoke powerfully to the contrasting political ideologies of the parties that they were addressing.
Who Owns Israel? Daniel Halper, Weekly Standard. Did the Israeli ambassador tell the DNC chair that Republicans are bad for Israel? The ambassador denies it. The DNC chair says she was misquoted. Roll the tape . . . .