
Friday, March 15, 2013 by Jerome A. Chanes | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
In his new book on the Jewish future, Jewish diplomat Stuart Eizenstat sees Jewish destiny evolving in the friendly competition between the sovereignty of Israel and the pluralism of America.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013 by Alex Joffe | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
No cause, force or organization, brings Americans, primarily Jews but also Christians, together like the cause of Israel as managed by AIPAC.
Editors' Picks
Kissinger the Jew Gil Troy, Tablet. “The outsider even as an insider, he endured the president’s anti-Semitic rants—and then endured the same contemptuous cries of ‘Jew-boy’ from harsh critics in Israel.”
Friends Again? Shashank Joshi, Fathom. The recent rapprochement between Israel and Turkey has repaired diplomatic ties, but the relationship is not about to be restored to what it once was.
Of States and Settlements Max Singer, Begin-Sadat Center. Instead of opposing the Levy Report, which affirms Israel's right to settle in the West Bank, advocates of a two-state solution should support it—because "the question of legality is separate from that of prudence."
Friends, but Not Allies P. R. Kumaraswamy, Middle East Quarterly. Despite continuing political differences, India has forged a mutually beneficial relationship with Israel—by decoupling bilateral relations from the peace process.
In Defense of Kissinger Robert D. Kaplan, Atlantic. Despite being America's first Jewish Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger dismissed the refuseniks as "not an American concern." But, "Kissinger’s realism was more effective than the humanitarianism of Jewish groups."
Is Israel Isolated? Efraim Inbar, Middle East Quarterly. "A closer look at Israel's relations with countries near and far, as well as with international institutions, belies the claim that it is isolated. In fact, Israel is increasingly acknowledged as a world player."
Helping Out Uncle Sam Amotz Asa-El, Middle Israel. American aid to Israel began when military spending accounted for half of Israel's budget. Now Israel can afford to give it up—and it would be diplomatically desirable to do so.
Losing Washington's Attention George Friedman, Stratfor Global Intelligence. Focused on the domestic economy, the United States has lost interest in the Middle East. And, facing external threats beyond its control, Israel has followed suit.
Obama's Opportunity Walter Russell Mead, Via Meadia. "Obama now holds more cards than any American President in a long time: between the nightmare in Syria and the threat in Iran, Israel has never needed support from allies more than it does now."
License to Drill Frank Jacobs, Foreign Policy. This is one Hanukkah when Israel doesn't have to worry about running out of oil. But there are diplomatic minefields to cross before it can exploit its offshore reserves.