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Seeking the Peace of Jerusalem—or a Piece of Jerusalem? Seeking the Peace of Jerusalem—or a Piece of Jerusalem?
Thursday, January 17, 2013 by Moshe Sokolow | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features

Archeology has become a full-fledged battlefield in the dispute over who has the superior claim to Jerusalem: Jews or Muslims.
Cyrus, Ahmadinejad, and the Politics of Purim Cyrus, Ahmadinejad, and the Politics of Purim
Wednesday, March 7, 2012 by Alex Joffe | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features

At this week's pre-Purim meeting in Washington between President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu to discuss Iran's nuclear threat to Israel, Netanyahu gave Obama a present: the book (or m'gilah, scroll) of Esther, which tells how the Jewish heroine foiled Haman's plot to kill the Jews of ancient Persia.
Editors' Picks
From Cyrus to Ahmedinijad Norman Berdichevsky, New English Review. Liberated by Cyrus, protected by the Sassanids, and even favored for a time by the Mongols, Jews had a relatively good time in Persia—until Shia Islam became dominant.