
Monday, July 9, 2012 by Jonathan Neumann | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
One year ago today, South Sudan declared independence. An elated Israel officially recognized the new state the next day. In the year since, many optimistic hopes for the Middle East and North Africa have been dashed; but in the case of South Sudan, Israel’s optimism was justified.
Editors' Picks
Hitting the Gas David Wurmser, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. In addition to giving Israel energy independence for the first time in its history, Israel's maritime natural gas reserves may make it a major gas exporter to Asia over the coming decades.
There’s Occupied and There’s Occupied Dore Gold, Israel Hayom. Northern Cyprus, conquered by Turkey and ethnically cleansed of Greek Cypriots, is clearly “occupied territory.” But Europeans, far from boycotting it, are buying homes there in droves.
Flasks, Jugs, Goblets, Jars Sharon Udasin, Jerusalem Post. Found while laying a gas pipeline near Haifa, Canaanite cultic vessels dating from the 13th century B.C.E. comprise the oldest treasure trove ever discovered in Israel.
Hizballah’s Holiday Home Nicholas Kulish, New York Times. Europe has cultivated a tacit détente with Hizballah, whereby if Hizballah does not stage attacks, European governments do not interfere with its fundraising and organizational work.