Cold War

Friday, December 28, 2012 by Michael Pinto-Duschinsky | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
While many German war criminals escaped prosecution, the European Court of Human Rights may soon outlaw brit milah across Europe. [Part II of II]

Thursday, December 20, 2012 by Alex Joffe | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
One of the most consistent and depressing aspects of U.S.-Middle Eastern relations is the determination of our intellectuals and officials to defend Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood.
Editors' Picks
Helping Out Uncle Sam Amotz Asa-El, Middle Israel. American aid to Israel began when military spending accounted for half of Israel's budget. Now Israel can afford to give it up—and it would be diplomatically desirable to do so.
How Ike Screwed Up Suez Michael Doran, Washington Post. Defense Department nominee Chuck Hagel says he admires President Eisenhower’s handling of the Suez crisis. But Eisenhower looked back on Suez as his biggest foreign policy mistake.
How We Freed Soviet Jewry Allison Hoffman, Tablet. Twenty-five years after 250,000 Americans gathered in Washington to demand freedom for the refuseniks, participants reflect on how momentous their march turned out to be. (Oral history)
Israel is Not Bluffing David Rothkopf, Foreign Policy. After the collapse of the Congress of Vienna settlement, Europe endured two world wars before establishing a new order. Israel is gearing up for a similar scenario in the Middle East.
From Russia with Love , Jerusalem Post. While Moscow still supports Syria and Iran in a bid to counter U.S. influence in the Middle East, economic and cultural ties between Russia and Israel have blossomed since the end of the Cold War.