
Monday, June 11, 2012 by Alex Joffe | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
The association of Jews with leftist ideas and movements has been a fixture of Western politics for the past 150 years. But is the relationship logical and necessary, or is it historical and contingent?

After five days spent battling Arab forces, Israel now faced a new opponent: time. With the Egyptians and Jordanians out of the war, and the Syrians having agreed to a ceasefire, the Security Council was becoming restless.

Forty-five years ago today, on June 4, 1967, Israel and the Jewish world were in suspense. Today, we recall the Six-Day War as a stunning martial victory by the Jewish state; but on the war's eve, this outcome was wholly unforeseeable. Indeed, the odds appeared firmly stacked against Israel.

Thursday, May 31, 2012 by Allan Nadler | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
The pervasiveness of evil and the suffering of innocents have confounded religious believers throughout history. Jews have produced a vast literature that attempts to reconcile God's justice with evil's apparent dominion.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012 by Alex Joffe | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Important literature can't be kept under wraps forever. A case in point is Mein Kampf. The German state of Bavaria, which holds the German copyright, has blocked the book's publication within Hitler's homeland.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 by Ben Cohen | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
If Ed Miliband, leader of Britain's Labor Party, emerges victorious from the country's next general election, he will become the first Jewish Prime Minister to inhabit Number 10 Downing Street since Benjamin Disraeli renovated the innards of that venerable residence in 1877.

Thursday, April 26, 2012 by Alex Joffe | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Every spring, within a single week, Israel commemorates Yom Hashoah, Yom Hazikaron, and Yom Ha'atzma'ut. These days revisit the core drama of the modern Jewish experience. They are also among the most controversial in the Israeli calendar.

Thursday, April 19, 2012 by Chaya Glasner | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Even before visitors walk through the door of Yad Vashem, they see a powerful tribute to Holocaust heroism. Along the Avenue of the Righteous leading to the museum, thousands of trees bloom in honor of the approximately 21,000 "Righteous Among the Nations," courageous Gentiles who defied the Nazis and risked their lives to save Jews from deportation.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012 by Elliot Jager | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Some cataclysmic events occur with the speed of a train wreck; others unfold over months or even years. Nassim Nicholas Taleb's 2007 bestseller The Black Swan argues that the more earth-shattering the event, the less likely that the press will provide an early warning.

Monday, April 16, 2012 by D.G. Myers | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
A Nobel Prize-winning German novelist—a former SS soldier, no less—accuses the state of Israel of seeking to exterminate an entire people, and the literary republic yawns. But when Israel bars its accuser from entering the country, because ex-Nazis have no place in the Jewish state, the cries of "bullying" and "censorship" nearly drown out the original accusation.
Editors' Picks
Raised on Hatred Ayaan Hirsi Ali, New York Times. "As a child growing up in a Muslim family, I constantly heard my mother, other relatives and neighbors wish for the death of Jews, who were considered our darkest enemy."
The Wrong Sort of Austrian Austin Petersen, Commentator. Ron Paul's accolytes idealize liberty, and treat Jewish economists, like Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard, as figureheads. So, what attracts neo-Nazis to his cause?
Germany's True Colors Christiane Hoffmann, René Pfister, Spiegel. Angela Merkel has maintained Germany's close relationship with Israel. But she no longer has the support of the German people for doing so.
America's Most Hated David J. Rusin, National Review. Despite fears of a rise in Islamophobia, FBI records for the last decade show that fewer Muslims per capita have been the victims of hate crimes than homosexuals, African Americans, or Jews.
The Children Britain Didn't Save Fred Barschak, Jewish Chronicle. The Kindertransport saved 10,000 from Nazi territory in the late 1930s. But when it came to rescuing 1,800 Jewish children from Vichy France in 1942, Britain turned its back.
Morsi's Media Circus Richard Behar, Forbes. In a recent TV interview, Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi branded Jews "descendants of apes and pigs." Not one major American media outlet covered the story.
Hagel: The View From Nebraska Elliott Abrams, Weekly Standard. Activists and officials have called Hagel hostile to Jews in his home state of Nebraska. No one among his supporters has come forward to dispute the allegation.
Hugo Chavez and the Jews Ben Cohen, JNS. Before Chavez’s assumption of power in 1999, Venezuela had no tradition of anti-Semitism. But his relentless attacks on Jews have driven over 20,000 of them to leave.
From Cyrus to Ahmedinijad Norman Berdichevsky, New English Review. Liberated by Cyrus, protected by the Sassanids, and even favored for a time by the Mongols, Jews had a relatively good time in Persia—until Shia Islam became dominant.
Anti-Jewish Music David Nirenberg, New Republic. In The Music Libel Against the Jews, Ruth HaCohen argues that contempt for "Jewish" musical forms has defined Western music. That same sentiment pervades the Arab world today.