
Wednesday, February 6, 2013 by Andrew Apostolou | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
With synagogues closing, congregations ageing, and the non-Orthodox majority dwindling, American Jews are caught in a crisis. Yet no one is tackling the root of this problem: intermarriage.

Monday, February 4, 2013 by Jonathan Gondelman | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Life Goes On, by German-Jewish novelist Hans Keilson, had been forgotten since the Nazis banned it in 1934. Now, a year after Keilson's death, it has been translated into English.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013 by Shlomo M. Brody | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
While the use of weaponry is at times morally necessary, the glorification of weaponry is foreign to Jewish thought.

Friday, January 18, 2013 by Michael A. Meyer | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
In this classic 1975 Judaism article, Michael Meyer argues that there is no value in "setting a definite terminus for the beginning of modern Jewish history."

Thursday, January 3, 2013 by Alex Joffe | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Pakistan's intelligence agency has supported Al Qaeda, Iran, and Lashkar-e-Taiba—the terrorists who attacked Mumbai in 2008, killing six at Chabad. But the U.S. still treats it as an ally.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013 by D. G. Myers | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Books are dying—everyone says so—but you couldn’t prove it by the Jews. 2012 was a very good year for Jewish books: here are the best 40.

Friday, December 28, 2012 by Michael Pinto-Duschinsky | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
While many German war criminals escaped prosecution, the European Court of Human Rights may soon outlaw brit milah across Europe. [Part II of II]

Wednesday, December 26, 2012 by Ethan Schwartz | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Joshua Eli Plaut’s new book, A Kosher Christmas: ’Tis the Season to Be Jewish, fails to recognize that in subverting Christmas, American Jews have promoted their own assimilation.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012 by Diana Muir Appelbaum | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
“Torah Judaism today retains more of its youth than at any time since the Haskalah.” Historian Marc Shapiro recently made this remark. Can he possibly be correct?

Thursday, November 29, 2012 by Alex Joffe | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Hamas was quick to declare victory in the latest conflict with Israel. A closer look at the price it paid in terms of personnel and equipment shows that its bravado was false.
Editors' Picks
Still Blaming the Jews Richard Wolin, Chronicle of Higher Education. German Egyptologist Jan Assmann claims that Judaism disrupted the ancient Middle East by inventing "religious exclusivity"—and calls his theory "a historical analysis of anti-Semitism."
"More Estonians than Etonians" Charles C. Johnson, Tablet. A philo-Semite ever since her family rescued a Jewish girl from Vienna in 1938, Margaret Thatcher gave unprecedented prominence to Jewish politicians in her government.
Israel's High Holidays Donniel Hartman, eJewish Philanthropy. Once scorned as a representation of the Old Jew's weakness, Yom Hashoah is now as much a Zionist commemoration as Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha'atzma'ut. But is that right?
The Anti-Semitism of British Muslims Mehdi Hasan, New Statesman. "It pains me to have to admit this but anti-Semitism isn’t just tolerated in some sections of the British Muslim community; it’s routine and commonplace."
The Anti-Semitism of Progressive Scandinavians Liam Hoare, The Tower. Scandinavia was never a hotbed of traditional anti-Semitism. But now its political discourse displays a "failure to distinguish between Israel, Zionism, and local Jewish communities."
Britain’s Masada Alan Shaw, Jewish Chronicle. This week in 1190, 150 Jews were besieged in York Castle by a local mob—and, at the bidding of their rabbi, chose to take their own lives rather than die at the hands of their enemies.
Under Saint Patrick’s Protection Pamela R. Winnick, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Ireland remains one of the few countries in Europe in which Jews have never been persecuted en masse, prevented from worshipping, or forbidden from holding public office.
French Jews Under Fire Liam Hoare, Jewish Chronicle. One year after the Toulouse massacre, French Jews face increasing anti-Semitism from Muslims, and have few allies on either side of the political spectrum.
A Marriage Made in Hell Rafael Medoff, JNS. Seventy-five years ago this week, German troops entered Austria to impose the Anschluss—and found the people, in the words of Sigmund Freud, "entirely at one with their brothers in the Reich."
When in Rome Seth Chalmer, First Things. Jewish leaders can present the next pope with a wish list on interfaith dialogue, Israel, and anti-Semitism—but must not lecture the Vatican about Catholic doctrine.