
Thursday, September 20, 2012 by Shlomo M. Brody | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
"Warning: The Following Prayer May Be Dangerous to Your Spiritual Health. Recite with Caution." When was the last time you saw this kind of warning in a prayer book? Yet in most Ashkenazic S’lihot prayer books, that is the message that actually accompanies one of the hymns.
Editors' Picks
There Must Be an Angel Gil Student, Torah Musings. While angels often appear in Biblical narratives, medieval Jewish commentators could not agree about what they are—and what their nature means for the afterlife.
Angels in the Architecture Elin Schoen Brockman, Tablet. Rabbis have tried to enforce the biblical prohibition on graven images. But, as a new exhibit at the Israel Museum shows, that hasn’t kept Jewish artists from being fascinated by angels.