American politics

Thursday, September 27, 2012 by Michael Barone | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
The Jewish vote, once pivotal in American politics, is still important, though not as much as it was seven decades ago. Back in the 1940s, Jews cast four percent of the votes in America, twice the percentage they do today. And they cast a much larger share in the state of New York.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010 by Elliot Jager | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
What does the predominantly liberal Asian-American community think of President Barack Obama's policies toward China, particularly on the issue of Tibet? Where do America's 2.35 million Muslims stand on Washington's conduct of the war in Afghanistan-Pakistan? It's hard to say. Yet minute shifts in American Jewish public opinion are carefully tracked. Why? Because, says the Hebrew University political scientist Tamir Sheafer, although comprising at most three percent of the population, America's Jews—well-educated, relatively affluent, and "over-represented" in medicine, science, law, media, entertainment, and politics—are perceived to be an important, well-organized, and powerful interest group. They are major financial contributors to political...
Editors' Picks
So Long, Lieberman Joseph Lieberman, New York Times. In his exit interview, the retiring U.S. senator says he is"taking a sabbatical from elective partisan politics"—which might "go on for the rest of my life." (Interview by Mark Leibovich)
Romney Reaches Out to Palestinians Joshua Mitnick, Christian Science Monitor. Candidate Mitt Romney now says he will re-start talks aimed at creating a Palestinian state. Is this a flip-flop? Or a promising opportunity?
A Good Friend is Hard to Find John Hannah, Foreign Policy. With America’s Muslim strategy literally crashing and burning on Arab streets, it is time to pay some attention to Iraqi Kurds who are actively seeking a U.S. alliance.
Israel, America, and the Lessons of 9/11 Abe Greenwald, Jewish Ideas Daily. A reminder: After September 11, America placed long-term foreign policy bets on democracy in the Middle East. But for Israel, there is no such thing as long-term foreign policy.
How Jewish is Obama? Joshua Keating, Foreign Policy. Does Barack Obama have, as some supporters say, a “Jewish soul”? Is he “the most Jewish president we’ve ever had”? Why do we care?
Who Owns Israel? Daniel Halper, Weekly Standard. Did the Israeli ambassador tell the DNC chair that Republicans are bad for Israel? The ambassador denies it. The DNC chair says she was misquoted. Roll the tape . . . .