Adolf Hitler

Tuesday, October 30, 2012 by Alex Joffe | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Art transforms life through beauty but inspires a possessiveness unlike any other. Collectors tend toward obsession, which overwhelms morality; museums, like the medieval church, wash away sin with exhibitions for the public good.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012 by Ben Cohen | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Last week, the normally cautious Jewish community of Amsterdam took the unusual step of describing a member of the Dutch parliament as a "serious danger to Jews in the Netherlands and consequently Europe as a whole."
Editors' Picks
"I Was a Nazi, and Here's Why" Helen Epstein, New Yorker. In 1963, Melita Maschmann published a memoir of her Nazi youth. Fifty years later, she is remembered by her best childhood friend—and first victim.
No Master Builder Michael Sorkin, Nation. A new book resurrects the notion that Nazi architect Albert Speer’s work has artistic merit. It doesn’t.
“Hitler's Reign of Terror” Emily Greenhouse, New Yorker. A 1934 documentary of Nazi oppression might have galvanized America against Hitler; but under pressure from Germany, the film was banned.
Diary of the Hitler Diary Hoax Sally McGrane, New Yorker. Thirty years ago, Stern magazine announced the discovery of Hitler’s lost diaries, which claimed that he did not know what was happening to the Jews. Within two weeks, the diaries were exposed as fakes.
Schindler's List Turns 20 Tom Carson, American Prospect. The reverence for Schindler's List as "the" Holocaust story "amounts to a posthumous marginalization of every innocent Hitler succeeded in killing."
The Brothers Göring Gerhard Spörl, Spiegel. While Hermann Göring was Hitler's right-hand man, Albert Göring took advantage of his older brother’s protection to rescue Jews. But Albert Göring remains unrecognized at Yad Vashem.
Collecting the Holocaust Adam Andrusier, Jewish Quarterly. "Anyone like to buy Schindler’s list? I don’t mean a DVD of the film: I mean Schindler’s list. It’s available for $1.2 million on a U.S. website, apparently ‘the opportunity of a lifetime.’"
Educating Adolf Felix Bohr, Spiegel. Biographers of Hitler have long pondered what transformed him from a struggling artist into a demagogue. A new book claims that the key lies in his military service after World War I.
From The White Rose . . . Jud Newborn, JTA. Sophie and Hans Scholl, who led Germany’s only Nazi-era public protest against Hitler and the Holocaust, were executed 70 years ago this month. But in Germany, their legacy lives on.
The Fatal Misjudgment Christoph Strupp, Spiegel. Reacting to Hitler's rise to power 80 years ago this week, U.S. Consul George Messersmith called him "only a phase in the development towards more stable political conditions."