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Mad for the MessiahTuesday, October 5, 2010 by Alison Leigh Cowan | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Picks
Al Jaffee, a veteran cartoonist for Mad magazine, has put his talents to work on the adventures of the Shpy, hero of the family-friendly Moshiah Times.
Feminism and Jewish Art
An exhibit now on view at New York's Jewish Museum purports to chart the course of a cultural revision—specifically, the rise of women artists, or, more specifically, the rise of Jewish women artists, or, more specifically still, the rise in the numbers of such artists exhibited at the Jewish Museum over the past 50 years. It turns out that since 1947, over 550 women artists have shown at this one venue in Manhattan. One wonders if MOMA can match those numbers.
A Royal ReturnTuesday, October 5, 2010 by Richard McBee | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
An exhibit now on view at New York's Jewish Museum purports to chart the course of a cultural revision—specifically, the rise of women artists, or, more specifically, the rise of Jewish women artists, or, more specifically still, the rise in the numbers of such artists exhibited at the Jewish Museum over the past 50 years. It turns out that since 1947, over 550 women artists have shown at this one venue in Manhattan. One wonders if MOMA can match those numbers.
Monday, October 4, 2010 by Ran Shapira | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Picks
Two thousand years after an Assyrian queen converted to Judaism and visited Jerusalem, her sarcophagus has returned to Israel.Kosherize Me
Monday, October 4, 2010 by Jenna Weissman Joselit | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Picks
In her new book, Sue Fishkoff notes that the expansion of the kosher food industry has, ironically, caused kosher food to become invisible.
Religion and the IDF
Profound changes have been occurring in the officer ranks of the Israel Defense Force, and not everybody is happy about them; some, in fact, are downright alarmed. The figures tell the story: back in 1990, kippah-wearing soldiers from the country's "national-religious" community—that is, religious Jews distinguished by their deep attachment to Zionism, Israeli nationalism, and, in many cases, the settlement enterprise—comprised a mere 2.5 percent of graduates from the army's course for infantry officers. In 2007, the figure peaked at more than 31 percent, a number totally out of proportion with the number of religious-national soldiers serving in IDF infantry...
Trust BustMonday, October 4, 2010 by Aryeh Tepper | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Profound changes have been occurring in the officer ranks of the Israel Defense Force, and not everybody is happy about them; some, in fact, are downright alarmed. The figures tell the story: back in 1990, kippah-wearing soldiers from the country's "national-religious" community—that is, religious Jews distinguished by their deep attachment to Zionism, Israeli nationalism, and, in many cases, the settlement enterprise—comprised a mere 2.5 percent of graduates from the army's course for infantry officers. In 2007, the figure peaked at more than 31 percent, a number totally out of proportion with the number of religious-national soldiers serving in IDF infantry...
Monday, October 4, 2010 by Evelyn Gordon | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Picks
In exchange for an extension of the freeze on settlement construction, Obama has offered Israel an impressive amount of political and military support. So why is Netanyahu likely to decline?Friends Indeed
Monday, October 4, 2010 by Lee Smith | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Picks
It was the 2004 Madrid bombings that convinced José María Aznar, then the prime minister of Spain, that "the best strategy to defend the West is to defend Israel."The Divine Sarah
Monday, October 4, 2010 by Graham Robb | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Picks
Sarah Bernhardt rose from humble origins to become the world's most famous actress; but about the "real" Bernhardt, including the Jewish Bernhardt, there seems little to report.The Ground beneath His Feet
Monday, October 4, 2010 by Yaacov Lozowick | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Picks
A Ramallah lawyer has written a book about walking through the hills in a path that is increasingly circumscribed because of Israeli land grabs—or is it?Fidel the Philo-Semite?
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Jaime Daremblum | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Picks
Denouncing anti-Semitism so as to ingratiate himself with American Jews, the Cuban dictator cannot help betraying his conspiratorial belief in an all-powerful Jewish lobby.