Christianity: Good for the Jews?

Examining the state of contemporary Christendom in an article first published January 5, 2012, Elliot Jager asks whether Jews have an interest in seeing Christianity thrive—and answers yes.—The Editors
On a sun-drenched day during the week before Christmas, Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulchre was crowded with pilgrims from Nigeria. They were taking turns kneeling and praying at a marker on the spot where, sacred history has it, Jesus was crucified, entombed, and resurrected. (Other Christians consider the holy place to be the nearby Garden Tomb.) Back in Nigeria on Christmas Day, a wave of murderous bombings by Muslim extremists hit several churches. Plainly, the Christian faith is at once thriving and struggling. Global Christianity, a new report from the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, describes and measures both phenomena.
Jews have more than a passing interest in the state of Christianity, not only because of Christianity's origins in Judaism and fraught relationship with Jews but also because nowadays, many believing Christians consider themselves friends of the Jewish people and Israel. Consider, for instance, the fact that growing numbers of Hispanic-Americans are embracing an Israel-friendly evangelical Christianity. Note the fact that Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, hopes to visit several African countries with substantial Christian populations in the coming months.
Given the trends in Muslim civilization, it matters to Jews that there are more Christians than Muslims in the world and that Christians make up about the same portion of the global population today—32 percent—as they did a century ago. With almost 80 percent of the U.S. population of Christian heritage, the Americas are today the world's largest bastion of Christianity. Post-modern Europe comes in only second. It no longer has the most Catholics or Protestants, though it remains home to most of the world's Orthodox Christians, thanks to believers in Russia, Ukraine, Greece, and Romania. The report does not explore the continent's declining commitment to its religious heritage, which is marked enough so that Prime Minister David Cameron recently exhorted Britons not to be afraid to assert their country's Christianity.
Around the world, half of all Christians are Catholic; Protestants make up 37 percent, Orthodox Christians 12 percent. Catholics are most strongly represented in Brazil, Mexico, the Philippines, the United States (where about one in four is Catholic), and Italy. The United States is home to the largest number of the world's Protestants, followed by Nigeria and—somewhat surprisingly—China. Germany is evenly divided between Protestants and Catholics—who, together, total only around 70 percent of the population (five percent are Muslim). The percentage of Protestants is greater in the Congo—over 95 percent—than in the place where Luther launched the Reformation in the 16th century. Christianity in sub-Saharan Africa is generally robust. In Nigeria, Africa's largest country, Pew figures the Christian population at 50 percent.
The picture is quite different in the Middle East, where Christianity was born but which is now home to less than one percent of Christian believers. Just four percent of today's Middle Easterners are Christian, mostly Catholic or Orthodox. The country with the largest proportion of Christians—38 percent—is Hizballah-dominated Lebanon. In raw numbers, however, the largest body of Christians in the Mideast, about a third of them, consists of Coptic Christians living in Egypt. Though the CIA World Factbook places their percentage of Egypt's population at nine percent, Pew says the figure is only about half of that—and shrinking. The reason may not be hard to deduce: Egypt's Sunni Muslim majority has not been particularly tolerant of Christianity. With Hosni Mubarak's fall and the rise of Islamist parties, the prospects for Christianity in Egypt hardly leave room for optimism.
Intriguingly, the Pew study counts substantial numbers of Christians in Saudi Arabia: 1,200,000, or 4.4 percent of the population. Left unsaid, however, is that these are mostly not Arabs but Filipino and Indian expatriates who, because of state-sanctioned intolerance, may not be practicing their faith openly. The United Nations does not seem overly concerned about this type of bigotry.
Pew reports that 100,000 Christians, almost all Arabs, live in the West Bank under Mahmoud Abbas's Palestinian Authority. Those who speak for them, such as the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Fouad Twal, tend to be PLO marionettes. At this time of year, for instance, the Sunni-dominated PLO cynically promulgates the fairy tale that Jesus was a "Palestinian" and Christmas is a Palestinian holiday, while over in Hamas-run Gaza several thousand Christians live under siege. Meanwhile, Israeli authorities granted West Bank and Gaza Christians passage into Israel to visit family for the holidays and issued 400 separate permits allowing them travel abroad from Ben-Gurion Airport.
As for Christians in Israel proper, Pew places their numbers at 150,000, up from 34,000 when the state was founded but down by 10,000 from Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics figure in 2008. Eighty percent are Arabs, the remainder immigrants from the former Soviet Union. Israeli Christians, naturally, enjoy full freedom of worship. (By tradition, the Jerusalem municipality distributes free Christmas trees to all comers.) Pew's figures do not count Israel's thousands of foreign workers, such as Filipino and African caregivers or Romanian laborers, or foreign clerics assigned to the country.
Life is not always easy for Israel's Christian evangelicals, many of whom have been treated shabbily by officious bureaucrats at the Shas Party-controlled Ministry of Interior. The ostensible justification is a (mostly) unfounded dread of missionary activity; actually, most Christian fundamentalists are in Israel on personal spiritual journeys or expressly to build support for the Jewish state in the larger Christian world.
Making strange bedfellows, many liberal and ultra-Orthodox Jews—insecure in their different ways—have demonstrated an unseemly intolerance toward fervently believing Christians. Though Jews have been treated with contempt by the Christian world from time immemorial, it seems myopic and counterproductive to view 21st-century Christianity, with its 2.18 billion adherents, as if it were continuing, robot-like, in that benighted legacy. In fact, as fate would have it, Christian and Jewish civilizations at the present time have every reason to seek possibilities for collaboration. Strangely enough, what's "good for the Jews"—and the Jewish state—is to see Christianity thriving.
There was a man in the 1st century and now there is a 19 century old lie that you all just love to repeat.
How is any lie good for the Jews?
Israel should celebrate the fact that conservative and evangelical Christianity which is spreading across Africa and Latin America, and through the Hispanic population of America is very pro-Israel. They are the future of Christianity, not the European variety, which offers mostly hatred of Jews and Israel as is advertising focus. That wins points with British and Norwegian intellectuals, no doubt, but they are part of the sinking EU ship, and before too long won't be around to cause Israel many problems.
Perfection never makes a mistake.
The Creator is perfect.
The Creator makes no mistakes.
The Creator made the covenant at Har Sinai.
The covenant is perfect.
Only someone that doesn't comply with the covenant of Har Sinai will try to pimp another one.
otherwise, it's usually pretty bad
Whilst I see that there are many people listed as believing men and women thinly spread around this planet we must be very mindful of the words that truth gives us.
He Yeshua is truth and in Him is nothing false or sinful
I am not speaking of my self here but of what we who believe truth to be that many who claim to whilst preaching about Yeshua or as Jesus please I urge you to check to see you are in the faith for many of us have been taught error and are still being taught error. The scriptures clearly say that the road to salvation through Yeshua is narrow and the gate is small and FEW find it.
We are saved by grace not works as some teach.
The love of the Jewish people's comes upon us as a flood into our hearts. It is from heaven this comes through the Holy Spirit.
Oh brothers and sister please again I urge you check to see you are indeed in the faith.
Oh Father in heaven bless those who seek you in all earnestly.
We ask this in your Sons name that of Yeshua our Jesus Lord and Saviour
If we were to compare the relationships between X'ers, Muslims,and Jews, down through the centuries.History would show that we Jews were treated better by Muslims than X'ers.
Living on Kibbutz,as I did,I saw that we couldn't enter into our fields until Arab mine-sweepers from the near-by Muslim village had cleared the fields that we were going to work that day. Kibbutz Admit is within rifle shot of Leb.. Google it. Polls
show that most Pals and Israelis want peace between our two peoples. And yes we have hater minorities on both sides.
Ltet me come to our subject:-according to your scripture nothing happens in the world without the knowledge or permission of God.Take the case of " Job ". Job was tested and tried by Satan but it was not without the sanction of God.It seems that Job represents every Jew , the other three characters Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar represents Christians, Muslims and others.At last Christians and Muslims will realize Israel's righteousness and Israel is blessed by God and will live peacefully. Christians and Muslims will realize that "Israel" the rejected stone will become the Corner Stone of future world.
Why? Because the Torah distinctly says it is eternal and changes are forbidden. The man you claim is not connected to anything "Christian" because he kept Torah. Please refrain from your revisionist history of the 1st century.
However, there is no negative command to speak well of a man and it is also required to clear a good name, especially in the Torah community, that has been libeled and slandered for centuries.
To remain neutral is forbidden, "You will not stand on the blood of your neighbor."
If embarrassing a man is likened to murder how worse is libeling a man that can no longer defend himself?
Remember that it only requires one credible witness to acquit a man even when two witnesses say he is guilty.
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Catholic hristianism is still essential Vatican, and the Vatican is still fervently anti-Judaic (*). Mainly its representatives in the Holy Land (they avoid to name Israel) are very anti-Judaic see tgheir organization Kairos Palestina, then Pax Christi and else.
(*) strictly spoken, they are not anti-Semitic, this word was created to design a lay, non religious anti-Judaism.